Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Thetford Bulldog’s Football School

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Thetford Bulldog's Football School Training is held at the Charles Burrell Centre, 10am till 11am. Our Football School is heavily based around the ABCs. Agility, Balance & Co-Ordination all while having a ball at their feet & having fun. Please feel free to come along, no bookings needed. Please check with event organiser before attending.

Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Ladies that Lunch Fit Club at The GV Camp

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Ladies that Lunch Fit Club at The GV Camp Come and shed body fat, muscular endurance, high reps, low weight. Please bring your hydration and towel. PAY-AS-YOU-GO: £8 per class. If you’re not a member of GV Camp already, to book your spot on the class, please message the GV Camp Facebook page. Limited spaces […]

Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Zumba Gold Fitness with Lou

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Zumba Gold Fitness with Lou The Surprising Benefits of Zumba Gold 💃✨ The lower impact, lower intensity version of regular Zumba, that’s more gentle on the joints, originally aimed at the over 50’s, but can benefit the younger adults too! When you think of Zumba Gold, you might picture older adults or people who need […]

Traquina’s February Half Term Holiday Club

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Traquina's February Half Term Holiday Club February half term holiday club is now live over Traquinas Hub, variety of different activities, to secure your child's space ...go to Lots of exciting activities to explore! Hope to see you there!! Please note: holiday club is for school aged children (4-12years)

Local Cancer Support Hub with Big C Cancer Charity

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

These hub provides an oasis of specialist emotional and practical support for those with a cancer diagnosis and their loved ones away from a clinical environment. You're welcome to pop along any Thursday and say hello or you can book an appointment via 0800 0927640 or

Pay What You Want Yin Yoga with Abhi Yoga

Charles Burrell Centre Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Pay What You Want Yin Yoga with Abhi Yoga Pay What You Want Yin Yoga at CBC Library, Thursdays 2-3pm (not including school holidays). 60 minutes of slow, restorative poses to create space, reconnect, and relax mind and body. £=PWYW To book a place or find out more please contact Anna on or 07719137311