Tea, Toast and Talk with MIND

REST Thetford 16 Riverside Walk, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Tea, Toast and Talk with MIND Come enjoy a social conversation as part of your morning routine. Get to meet new people, socialise and enjoy a simple relaxing morning breakfast at a subsidised price. Drop in. No need to book.

Fortnightly Autism Friendly Meet-up for Adults (18+)

Thetford Library Raymond Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Fortnightly Autism Friendly Meet-up for Adults (18+) Now located on the ground floor of the Thetford Library, our Autism Friendly Meetup will be a chance for Autistic adults to socialise in a quiet and calm environment. Drinks and games will be provided, while volunteers with experience of Autism will be available to support where it […]

Learn and Grow Thetford

Early Childhood and Family Service Kingsway, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Learn and Grow Thetford THETFORD FAMILIES (AND SURROUNDING AREAS) Learn and Grow Thetford brings families, especially male role models, and their little ones aged 0-5 together for playful & fun activities. Whilst learn and grow celebrates the special role of dads - mums and other carers are warmly welcomed too! Please contact Honor for more […]

Dungeons and Dragons Thetford

The Bell Hotel King Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Dungeons and Dragons DND Thetford For anyone that wants to dip their toes in the world of DND. You can expect a warm & welcoming environment, with ready to go gear for new players (first 30 minutes are to get unpacked and settled in, food and drinks ordered from the bar etc.).

AccessibiliTEA with enABLE Thetford

Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

AccessibiliTEA with enABLE Thetford Join the enABLE Community to talk and socialise with local people who have hidden or visible disabilities and long term conditions. Come along and share your ideas for change and improved accessibility. Get involved and help transform Thetford and the surrounding area for disabled people.

The Friendly Café at The Thetford Methodist Church Hall

Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

The Friendly Café, at The Thetford Methodist Church, is open to anyone, especially those who are lonely and/or wishing to make friends. There is always someone to sit and talk to, this is important to those who may feel shy coming on their own. The Friendly Café is open Tuesdays 10am to midday and is […]

St Mary’s Social Coffee Mornings

St Mary's Thetford Newtown, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

St Mary's Social Coffee Mornings Chats with Biscuits, Coffee and Tea, Everyone is welcome. Social gathering in aid of fundraising for Ukraine and Church in Need. Please note that the Hall can be hired for small functions or meetings, capacity of 50 people and the cost is £10 an hour.  

Citizen’s Advice Bureau Drop-in sessions with MIND

MIND Norfolk and Waveney Breckland House, St Nicholas Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Citizen's Advice Bureau Drop-in sessions with MIND You can now meet the Citizen’s Advice Bureau at the Hub every Tuesday from 11am to 5pm. They are able to provide support on the day and give advice relating to welfare rights, benefits, debt, housing, budgeting amongst others. You do not need an appointment to access this […]

Weekly Social Group with MIND

MIND Norfolk and Waveney Breckland House, St Nicholas Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Weekly Social Group with MIND Drop in and enjoy two hours of friendly conversation and activities with Katherine. We have painting, air dry clay, jigsaws and much more or feel free to bring in whatever you like from home. There is no pressure to stay for the whole two hours, just pop in for twenty […]