The Friendly Café at The Thetford Methodist Church Hall

Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

The Friendly Café, at The Thetford Methodist Church, is open to anyone, especially those who are lonely and/or wishing to make friends. There is always someone to sit and talk to, this is important to those who may feel shy coming on their own. The Friendly Café is open Tuesdays 10am to midday and is […]

Afternoon Tea at Silverthreads Thetford

Cloverfield Community Church Yarrow Close, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Afternoon Tea at Silverthreads Thetford If you are over 65 and looking for company why not come and join us on a Tuesday between 2.00pm and 4.00pm for Afternoon Tea at Cloverfields Community Church. For a small payment of £5 you will receive Sandwiches, Scones, Cakes and plenty of Tea. Also included is a weekly […]

Join the Heritage Collective Today!

Thetford Library Raymond Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Join the Heritage Collective Today! Aged 13-25? Interested in Arts and Culture? Meet new people! Gain new creative and workplace skills! Learn about local heritage! Meeting every Tuesday at Thetford Library. Free! Snacks provided. Public transport reimbursed. To take part please email:

AccessibiliTEA with enABLE Thetford

Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

AccessibiliTEA with enABLE Thetford Join the enABLE Community to talk and socialise with local people who have hidden or visible disabilities and long term conditions. Come along and share your ideas for change and improved accessibility. Get involved and help transform Thetford and the surrounding area for disabled people.

Cruse Bereavement Support Fundraising Day

Thetford Ex Service Men's Club Bridges Walk, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Cruse Bereavement Support Fundraising Day Thetford Ex Service Club are holding a fundraising day for Cruse. As part of the charity Fun Day they invite you to join them for Live Music, Prize Tombola, Drinks and Cake Sale. Contact Julie on 07802 426213 to donate, or donate to Thetford Ex Service Club directly.

The Friendly Café at The Thetford Methodist Church Hall

Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

The Friendly Café, at The Thetford Methodist Church, is open to anyone, especially those who are lonely and/or wishing to make friends. There is always someone to sit and talk to, this is important to those who may feel shy coming on their own. The Friendly Café is open Tuesdays 10am to midday and is […]

Afternoon Tea at Silverthreads Thetford

Cloverfield Community Church Yarrow Close, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Afternoon Tea at Silverthreads Thetford If you are over 65 and looking for company why not come and join us on a Tuesday between 2.00pm and 4.00pm for Afternoon Tea at Cloverfields Community Church. For a small payment of £5 you will receive Sandwiches, Scones, Cakes and plenty of Tea. Also included is a weekly […]

Join the Heritage Collective Today!

Thetford Library Raymond Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Join the Heritage Collective Today! Aged 13-25? Interested in Arts and Culture? Meet new people! Gain new creative and workplace skills! Learn about local heritage! Meeting every Tuesday at Thetford Library. Free! Snacks provided. Public transport reimbursed. To take part please email:

St Mary’s Fundraising Soup Lunch

St Mary's Thetford Newtown, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

St Mary's Fundraising Soup Lunch Chats with Soup, Cheese and Bread. Everyone is welcome. Social gathering in aid of fundraising for Ukraine and Church in Need. First Friday of Every Month. Please note that the Hall can be hired for small functions or meetings, capacity of 50 people and the cost is £10 an hour. […]

AccessibiliTEA with enABLE Thetford

Thetford Methodist Church Tanner Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

AccessibiliTEA with enABLE Thetford Join the enABLE Community to talk and socialise with local people who have hidden or visible disabilities and long term conditions. Come along and share your ideas for change and improved accessibility. Get involved and help transform Thetford and the surrounding area for disabled people.